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Alaska 2010 Daily News




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Alaska 2010 Daily News and Photo:

June 2nd Ketchikan, Alaska,

Ketchikan held up its reputation for being the wettest town in South East today. It started out as a mist and then turned to real rain. Jonna did some shopping and I went out and walked Creek Street.

While today Creek Street is full of nice little shops, back in the day the shops weren't selling clothes and trinkets to tourists. Many a hard working man turned over hard earned dollars to the girls that worked in these same houses. I will have to admit I spent $20 in one of them today but it was for a new and water proof jacket.

We both got back to the ship pretty early to beat the crowds and get warm and dry. It was an early departure day anyway with a sail away time of 2:00 PM AK time.

The extra shot for today shows how many of the people and many of the goods get to these town with no roads in or out. The Alaska Ferry System takes care of people and cars. Barges loaded with containers take care of a great deal of the daily supplies.

It will be a long day on Thursday with 13 hours in Juneau. The weather is getting better and it looks like my helicopter trip is on at this point. Tomorrow you should get something in the way of glacier photos.

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