Category: Small Groupings

Up In Smoke

I’ve started playing out in the studio with capturing smoke with a flash and then using a little post processing trickery on the images. (click on image for full size view)      


Feb. digital competition at EPS

Time for the monthly digital night competition at EPS. Two entries in the “Motion” category and one in the old pictorial category. I bet you can figure out which is which.


Mule Deer Hunting

Coming home from Thanksgiving at Jonna’s mothers in Central Oregon I decided to take the back road to get around the Redmond traffic and do a little deer hunting. I armed myself with my trusty 100-400mm L zoom lens on the 5D Mk II and let my wife do the driving.

I don’t think there has been a time that I have been across that road and not seen deer but most often they are over in the alfalfa fields which does not make for a real natural setting even though it is the natural place for them to be. If they aren’t in the fields they are on the other side of the road in the juniper and sage brush. While much harder to spot, it makes a much nicer image.

This is a mix of bucks and does. It is mating season over there and the bucks that are getting lucky have their does herded together. There are some pretty nasty fights between the bucks and you can see in the  full size image one of the bucks in these images has blood on an antler and another is missing an eye. You won’t see it in any of the images in this post. They can get very aggressive and  can get just as rough as a biker bar on a Saturday night.


Two More Wraps

Some days you just can’t pass up a deal. On the other hand if you are running out of wall space sometimes you should pass up a deal. I ordered two more 16 X 20 gallery wraps this morning. When they get here I’ll get out and hound some of the local businesses and galleries…



Well are you tired of my HDR images yet? I’ll try and make this the last set for a while.

The images in this set are macro 1:1 shots of three separate images blended to make one image. You actually take a normal image and one over exposed and one under exposed and blend them together and then do some strange things with color saturation and some other things that you don’t really care about.

Anyway the objects in the photos are the rivets holding the steel plates together that make up an old railroad tank car that hauled water. Steel, water and lack of maintenance can make for some very interesting close up photography.  I give you … Riveted…


Depot Bay to Seal Rock

A few images from our trip to the coast the week of the 4th. I will admit to a little HDR processing on all of these. I am still learning the limits and capabilities of HDR. I know it can be a great tool and on the other hand is is something you can go “way out there” with in processing. Some of these may be just a little heavy but I don’t think any are “way out there” HDR was done with Photomatix.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger image. Hope you enjoy.


Mendenhall Glacier

If you looked at the three “The Blues”, you saw what a couple of glaciers looked like on my trips to Alaska in ’05 and ’10. I am going to do something I don’t normally do and feature the work of another photographer on my site. This is with his permission.

A friend of mine, Chip Kalvin, flies helicopters for Temsco Helicopters in Juneau Alaska. He is not just a pilot but one of the best nature interrupters you will run across. I believe this is year 14 for him up there flying the glaciers and showing others from all over the world how magnificent the Juneau Ice Fields are. In that dozen years  Chip has been watching the glaciers shrink away. I’m not yelling “Save the planet” here because there is noting we are going to do to save it. We have been able to screw up parts of it but in the big picture we are a bug on the windshield.

These images document the last few years on Mendenhall Glacier. I would really advise that if you want to see Mendenhall  still calving icebergs into the lake you don’t wait too long to get up there.


The Blues Volume 3

They started as one of many snow flakes sometimes hundreds of miles away and thousands of years ago. They have been compressed so tightly from the weight that the air is forced out of the ice. They scoured away at granite mountains. In the end they are small fragile and beautiful ice sculptures floating in the sea or a lake. Others just crumble and melt away on a beach or even on a rock shelf in a mountain range. Most are shrinking and dying, yet a few are still growing.

I don’t think you will ever really “get the feel” of a glacier until you walk on one and then touch a piece of that ice that is melting away. It makes no difference if it is Alaska or somewhere else in the world, if you get the chance to go see a glacier, take it. This is my last in “The Blues” series. It all ends as an iceberg melting away to nothing.


The Blues Volume 2

More Glacial Blues but from the face this time. These are true blue, through and through. The Blues Volume 1 was more about detail and the top of the glacier. Here you will see the size of the glaciers and some of that grinding force that forms the Alaska landscape. This is a mix of tidewater, landlocked, lake and hanging glaciers.

I hope you enjoy. Watch for the final Volume 3, What’s Left Of The Blues.


The Blues Volume 1

They have got Delta Blues, Chicago Blues and Saint Louis Blues. Blues can make you happy or blue. Blue is what it is. In Alaska, the blues is a little different. In Alaska, the blues is glaciers. The blues helped carve out Alaska and are still doing it today. To get to the blues in Alaska you can go by air or boat. There are some blues you can even drive to. If you are thinking about flying to the blues, look into Temsco Helicopters. Without them and Chip over there I would not have gotten the images in this collection. And now Ladies and Gents, The Blues!

Watch for The Blues Volume 2 Staring “The Faces and The Big Picture”
