If you are at all prolific on the Internet it is interesting to go to different search engines and type in your name or your business name and see the results you come up with. An engine I had not used is http://duckduckgo.com/ so I thought I would give it a spin. In doing so…
A caution about drinking and driving this Christmas Season:
I would like to share an experience with you all about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities on our way home from the odd social session over the years. A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks…
Christmas card, the e-version
To all of you not on my snail mail Christmas card list , Jonna and I would like to wish you the best Christmas or Holiday Season ever and a Happy and Healthy New Year. To those of you on the snail mail list… your hard copy version should be arriving soon. You can click…
Shooting photos or creating images?
When I show an image to people today I often get the question “Is that Photoshopped?”. I used to give a yes or no answer. After attending a talk by a very good professional photographer, with his permission I now give a different answer. It is exactly the way I saw it. Some days you…
Mule Deer Hunting
Coming home from Thanksgiving at Jonna’s mothers in Central Oregon I decided to take the back road to get around the Redmond traffic and do a little deer hunting. I armed myself with my trusty 100-400mm L zoom lens on the 5D Mk II and let my wife do the driving.
I don’t think there has been a time that I have been across that road and not seen deer but most often they are over in the alfalfa fields which does not make for a real natural setting even though it is the natural place for them to be. If they aren’t in the fields they are on the other side of the road in the juniper and sage brush. While much harder to spot, it makes a much nicer image.
This is a mix of bucks and does. It is mating season over there and the bucks that are getting lucky have their does herded together. There are some pretty nasty fights between the bucks and you can see in the full size image one of the bucks in these images has blood on an antler and another is missing an eye. You won’t see it in any of the images in this post. They can get very aggressive and can get just as rough as a biker bar on a Saturday night.
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